A Second Chance With My Billionaire Love - Chapter 2386

Chapter 2386


Laura’s cheeks flushed slightly as she stepped back, watching him start the car and waving goodbye.

Her heart was filled with a sweet sense of happiness at being called Mrs. Evans.

Edwin’s first stop was his lawyer’s office. Within half an hour, he reached Alexis’ law firm.

“Alexis!” he called out as he entered.

Alexis was engrossed in a game of snooker. Without looking up, she asked, “Do you have a plan for handling everything? Dealing with Vanessa’s obsession is one thing, but the elders in Czanch will be a tougher challenge. You’re practically antagonizing the entire Evans clan!”

Alexis, sinking a ball, gave Edwin a look of amused arrogance.

She then added, “A bold move for love. Not bad, Edwin.”

Edwin offered a wry smile and lit a cigarette.

“I haven’t worked it all out yet. But I’ve got a plan,” he confessed.

Leaning against the snooker table, her posture elegant and poised, Alexis cast him a curious glance.

“Is your plan to get married to Laura quickly? That’s a bold move.

A N G E L A ‘s L I B R A R Y

Have you informed your parents and hers?” she inquired, her gaze fixed on Edwin.

Edwin simply smiled, neither confirming nor denying her guesses.

Alexis’ demeanor turned a bit more serious as she scrutinized him.

Finally, she let out a soft snort.

“Edwin, the real Romeo of our family!”

Indeed, among them all, Edwin was the only one who had married young, while the others were still far from any romantic commitments.

Their conversation shifted to other topics before focusing on how to negotiate with the Smiths. Alexis suggested they should consider Vanessa’s feelings, allowing her a dignified way out, considering the loss of face she had suffered.

Edwin, however, lacked patience for such diplomacy.

Edwin had always been the type to confront issues head-on, and he would have chosen to battle it out with the Smiths.

But now, with a family in the picture and plans to marry Laura and raise children together, he found himself seeking a more peaceful path. He wanted to avoid any conflict for the sake of his future wife and children, so he agreed with Alexis’ approach.

As the negotiation began, the Evans clan elders sat in the conference room, visibly displeased.

They had little regard for Laura, seeing her as bringing nothing of value to the family.

Edwin, however, wasn’t concerned with their opinions.

